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Since forming in August 2023, the Foundation has raised more than $65,000. We are proud to have the support of the Steans Family Foundation and the Robert Johnson Foundation. We are grateful to all of our more than 50 donors for their generosity.

grants made


During 2023 & 2024, the Foundation made several grants to the participants of the Problem-Solving Courts including several thousand dollars to participants for rent and utility
payments, medical expenses and parking vouchers
so that participants can attend court sessions.


The Foundation also assumed the costs of the Courts and paid for incentive gift cards and “Lunch and Learn” educational events for participants.


In addition, the Foundation paid the cost of a life coach and mentor, Dr. Tony Jackson. Dr. Jackson provides job coaching, mentoring, and life coaching to our Second Chance Reentry Participants.

Dr. Jackson has also partnered with different organizations that offer engaging therapeutic activities to the participants such as rock climbing, exercising, skating, biking, journaling and a plethora of other fun activities that help lower stress and cope with boredom.


Dr. Jackson is in the process of finalizing a partnership with Habitat for Humanity. Dr. Jackson believes partnering with this organization will Influence the participants to assist in volunteering and giving back to the community. It will also allow each of the participants to gain first-hand knowledge on the expectations of working in construction as a vocation.



The Foundation paid for the cost of both the 2024 SOAR Court and Second Chance graduations, including the catering and gifts for the graduates. These graduations Recognize and celebrate the achievements of the graduates. Members of the U.S. District Court and Court of Appeals, as well as public officials attend the ceremonies. Each graduate has an opportunity to express how the programs have impacted them and their families.


SOAR Court Graduation Ceremony was held on March 14, 2024. Eight participants graduated after a year-long program and their felony charges were dismissed. The keynote speaker was Hon. Karen Freeman-Wilson, President and CEO of the Chicago Urban League.

Second Chance Graduation Ceremony was held on August 8, 2024. Eight participants graduated and each had their supervised release terminated or substantially reduced.

The key note speaker was State Representative Kam Buckner who has the honor of representing the 26th District.


Thomas Ross, a Second Chance graduate, also spoke. After serving two lengthy prison sentences, Mr. Ross went on to graduate from Northeastern Illinois University with a Bachelors Degree in Violence and Gang Prevention.

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